Lionsgate Portal 08-08-08

We now have entered the star sign of Leo, in this infinity year of 2015 (8 numerological value).  It is the 3rd such portal since, the Opening of the 2012 new harmonics and represents a completion of energies and experiences, which we have all been working through since 2012 blew up (quite literally) in our faces.

This Portal energy which peaks, on the 08-08 and ends on the 12-08, will bring to our attention huge energies to realign with. Many soul groups during this time, will take the next shift towards unified awareness, with telepathy and pure sight becoming clearer by the day. Gnosis and the higher mind will take more precedence in your lives, revealing much to each individual, about their path and the next steps which are to be taken to enact the group plan.

Purging of Fear – During this period and especially at the Leo Full Moon at the end of July, your remaining shadow aspects will show themselves, in all of their Dark glory. So breath deep and go through this integration with as much grace as possible. Or use any means necessary (that doesn’t create more karma) to let this out and let more love in. This will only be temporary and is needed to prepare you for the 08-08 receiving of harmonics.

Unity is very much a theme for this portal. It is of paramount importance that the manifestations now, are working with the group mind for the highest good of all. The inner child blue print within you, will be most successful when you are engaging in the group plan. Alongside physical souls in your sphere of influence, this also means the off planet souls whom are assisting your from above.

Daily meditation and journaling is recommended during this period, as much information will flow that may not make sense now, but will in the near future.

Empathy for other souls will also increase alongside a loving detachment. As it is important that you do not drop into the drama, karma and pain bodies of those whom are starting to awaken. If you are still in the mode of the rescuer/saviour, then you know that there is more work to be done to ensure that you remain centred in your heart and influence only what feels right to you.

Kundalini activations will continue to increase and upgrade the circuitry within you physical vessels.  This can feel incredible alongside feeling horrendous, so make sure you stay centred and follow your intuition always. Low impact Body work and stretching will become more important, as you try and assist your body with the new energies.

The day of 08-08 where Harmony Descends – On this auspicious day many downloads will happen and they are all Coded harmonies (sonic codes), which will enrich your lives and bring much acceleration to your path. During this day try to do as little as possible, going into your heart deeply. Become vulnerable to your higher light and let love in. This energy feels very liquid in its nature, feeling deep and expansive. The message here is to go with the flow.

During this Lionsgate period I am offering a series of 4 distant sessions period for those who need some cosmic assistance to clear the way for this great day.  Please do see for full details of this 4 part distant energy series which starts at the beginning of August.

So whatever you do, open up and just BE.    Much love – Ryan

Facebook – Oriondiamond Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond Soul Alchemist. All rights reserved feel free to share this content with others – post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. – but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/channeler.

Re-Activating your Stargate

Many of us on this winding/narrow/rollercoaster/awesome/horrendous (choose appropriate word for your mood right now) path of remembrance, talk of empowerment, freedom and how we are supreme beings of light choosing a human experience. We all follow the synchronicities in our days, introspecting and reflecting, until there is nothing left to reflect.

At this point the inner shine starts to explode from within, we start to exude light!  Whereas perviously, all that could be felt were the constant implosions from within! This luminosity is a remembering from the deep. It is where you have reached a specific frequency of light which there is no going back from. This frequency is able to hold steady, the light which you are becoming.

You have started to remember your own star origin, the Stellar gateway is starting to open. Heart energy within has opened enough and your energy field has enough clarity to allow the stellar gateway frequencies, to be received from above.

What is the Stellar Gateway? Your stellar gateway is a transpersonal chakra, existing outside of the auric field. Its the energy centre that connects you to our sun (star) and the Great Central Sun where the divine intelligence is transmitted from. Some call this chakra 12 and others call it chakra 13.  It doesn’t really matter about the number! All you need to know is that, it is a part of your heart that currently exists at the outermost edge of your perceived aura.  In time once it is fully activated, it comes into the centre of your energy field and resides within the heart.

This is your Star Gate – It is where you can enter and leave the matrix to visit other realms and dimensions. It is if you like the foundation stone of your stellar temple. The ultimate lock which has to remain locked until you have a consciousness which can work with this energy.

How can you connect with this energy?  In meditation you can bring in this energy and get a feeling and a view of where you are at with this energetic, much wisdom can be gained on how to take your next step to opening up this awesome energy.

It is extremely important that when working with this energy that you have incredible connection to the Earth and the crystalline core of the planet.  This energy is so high in frequency that you really need incredible roots!  If you think of the fastest broadband connection that is available right now, then that is the connection you require with the earth.

Much love – Ryan

Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond. All rights reserved:  Please feel free to share this content with others – post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. – but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/channeler.